Saturday, December 10, 2011

Numero Uno

I'm going to set the bar somewhat low with this one, because I just got this idea, and it's late at night!

Today's Top Five (for now, in no particular order)
Um, I would hope so.

Not going to lie. My dog sleeps in my bed every night and I love it. But - if your dog is pampered enough to have his own bed, what makes you think he'll settle for that 4X4 square when he could completely displace you from you king size bed?

I like to think that Lions fans are classy enough not to do this.

And if it lands in Antarctica?

Honestly, I love this. I'd probably want to be friends with anyone this hilarious.

Okay, and I'm going to try to post one thing that I TRULY like or am inspired by each day, so here's my first:

Good night!


Hello Pinterest lovers,

Like many women, I've recently joined the fun time-suck known as Pinterest. It's a great site for inspiration for everything from recipes to home projects, and I think it's a great resource. I also love the general idea - let's share ideas about things we care about (health, our homes, kids), and help each other out. However, from time to time, I'm struck by how ridiculous some products are, or how frivolous the comments people make tend to be. This blog is not meant to be mean-spirited, but to simply have a good laugh.
